Tuesday, July 6, 2010
#1: White People
Not only am I a self-hating American, I'm also a self-hating white guy. And I am really white - English, Scottish, Irish and Swedish. There's a bit of Native American blood in there, but what annoyingly white person doesn't say that. White people have ruined America. Their general disregard for anything resembling cultural traditions, their mistrust of nearly every group, worldwide, that's not A) white, B) Protestant, or C) capitalist, and their general arrogance about American superiority has turned the country into the snotty prima donna of the world.
Think about it. White America ruins everything. I mean, how many fundamentalist, gun-toting, flag-waving, aggresively ignorant jerks do you know who aren't white. White Americans blow up abortion clinics, protest war-veteran funerals, sit in isolated cabins making bombs, chop up people and put said people in freezers for winter stews. White Americans revile soccer, are solely responsible for gentrification projects, and have pretty much ruined music and film by exploiting stereotypes of other races. Without white people, America might just be an alright place to live, but so long as we have a white majority, you can forget about improving a crippled education system or lessening environmental rape because, hell, white people love shitty education and raping the land - they practically invented both.
I mean, think about some of the biggest douchebags in the good ol' US of A: Glenn Beck, white. Michael Moore, white. Nancy Pelosi, white. Sean Hannity, white. Jeffrey Dahmer, white. Bill O'Reilly, white. Rush Linbaugh, white. Ben Rothlisberger, white. Granted, there are some major douchebags of color out there, but I'm pretty sure that if I think hard enough I can attribute their douchey-ness to white America (you know, would Jesse Jackson be such a douche if it weren't for white people? I don't think so).
That brings me to the real reason Americans - white Americans - suck so hard: their very real, albeit ridiculous, fear of brown people. Since the beginning of the European discovery of America, white folks on this continent have been incredibly fearful of anyone who isn't white. First, they brought diseases with them that wiped out 95% of indigenous peoples in the Americas- wiped them out in a span of about 100 years (1492-1608). Then, to really screw them over, the ancestors of future white Americans began a 300-year campaign of cheating, slaughtering and generally giving the shaft to the remainder of those indigenous groups. F'n A. But, destroying the cultures that were already here wasn't enough for these jack-offs. Nope. They went to another continent, rounded up hundreds of thousands of brown people living there, brought them over to America and THEN proceeded to shaft those people for about 300 years.
Finally, in the 1950s and 60s, some white folks (mostly Jews and Catholics, so they technically don't count as "white America"), realized that what was happening to black people in America really sucked and so decided to join up with some pretty-damn-awesome black folks and do something about the 300-year-long oppression. Thank God. Though, their efforts didn't go forward without major opposition from a large population of white Americans - assholes who finally decided to take their efforts underground so as not to come off as real jerks in the global eye. However, they're coming out from under their rocks to, yet again, express their open disdain for another group of brown folks ... Hispanics.
Seriously, if it were, say, a bunch of French-Canadians ... wait, no, because white Americans despise all things French as well. Okay, let's say a bunch of regular Canadians were coming into the US to work landscaping jobs or harvest fruit and veggies - a bunch of regular white Canadians - do you think there'd be such a fuss about building a wall to keep out the Canadians? Nope. All the whiteys would be happy as pigs in poo to have their northern brethren coming down to cut grass and pick fruit. But that's not the case with the Mexicans. Nope. Mexicans are brown and therefore evil.
I didn't even mention the internment camps for Japanese Americans - some of whom had been in the US for generations ... some of whom were the families of Japanese Americans serving in the armed forces in WW II. Jesus, white Americans suck so hard.
The list goes on and on and on. I mean, sometimes I really hate being white because I'm immediately associated with one of the most dominant groups of ducktards the world has ever known. Yep, white Americans even make things crappy for other white Americans. Jesus.
ADDENDUM: After reading this post, a friend of mine pointed out something interesting in line with this whole "white Americans suck" thing. The majority of the creeps caught on To Catch a Predator are "religious" white males ... wow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwFr_VcGMKQ
white people,
why americans suck
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Canadians going into the U.S. to work? You've got to be kidding - most of them don't want to work here. Some years ago, I happened across a property in my area owned by a hockey player who had built four magnificent houses. The finishing touches were being put on the landscaping - by a small army of Mexicans, legally imported with summer work permits, because the local contractors couldn't find any Canadians for the job.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't confuse all things French with French-Canadians. My neighbours also can't stand mimes and Jerry Lewis.
Yeah, you just justified everything this guy said!
DeleteNah he's white. I'm brown. I know when a white person rants about white people. There's that vibe of objective bitching without malice. If I were to rant about bad white people, you'd know the difference in tone. (most whites aren't "bad" people either)
ReplyDeleteWomen til after WW1
All laborers
All the renters out there
But still, here we are not locked up yet.
Isn't that a good thing about America?
"Here we are not locked up yet" - have you actually traveled much? That's an American myth. Much of the world (and 100% of the free world, which is all of Europe, and a whole bunch of the rest of it), allows free speech just like America does. Except moreso because the media here is not even in the top 40 most "free medias" due to corporate control, and I for one get detained at the border coming into the US for hours, even though I'm a citizen, because of my pacifism/political activism. Yay America.
Delete"Here we are not locked up yet" - have you actually traveled much? That's an American myth. Much of the world (and 100% of the free world, which is all of Europe, and a whole bunch of the rest of it), allows free speech just like America does. Except moreso because the media here is not even in the top 40 most "free medias" due to corporate control, and I for one get detained at the border coming into the US for hours, even though I'm a citizen, because of my pacifism/political activism. Yay America.
DeleteCanada would love to have you, or you could try Afghanistan, I hear they can help you with your white guilt.
ReplyDeleteLove you.
ReplyDeletebut hey what's wrong with Micheal Moore?
He's at least pointing out some things that really suck too, right?
I agree, I have no problem with Michael Moore, he is not part of the problem.
Delete@Homeworks... feeling a little guilty about the truth there mate????
ReplyDeleteYou guys think you have issues??? I live in South Africa... I think I'll write a post like this on what's going down here like this one...
what a f'in idiot. In the african subcontinent there were actually very few blacks when white settlers arrived. The vast majority of blacks in south africa come from central africa after the whites arrived. Of course it was a farmers paradise and they came down in droves, bought their cultural crap with them i.e. multiple wives and superstitions which have emerged again even in the black presidents of SA since the end of apartheid. What should of happened in SA if you pricks think the whites were so bad is that the western cape (not much there) should have been carved off as a homeland for whites and africaans and the blacks could have their cultural craphole nextdoor as they destroy the place.
DeleteId like to point out how something like this is okay but if you had written about any other "race" it would be a problem...
ReplyDeleteThis post is pretty racist...
But it is true?
DeleteSome decent points but no! I'm a totally white person and I was just born in '87 and had nothing to do with the treatment of other colors and I have nothing to do with current asshats like Beck and Palin. Honestly, it pisses me off that I get to be half defined by such dooshbags. Besides, try finding a white American who won't give you time of day, lead a good conversation and offer a cigarette. Fellow Americans tend to be generous and good to be around; don't let our politicians share their bad rep with us!
ReplyDeleteI think europeans suck because they're very jealous of our success and their inferiority complex is so large that they cling to baseless stereotypes in order to feed their psuedo-elitism.
ReplyDeleteThey also kill each other over their one boring sport and still have figurehead monarchs, which are both hilariously sad in their own right.
I live in the South-east of USA. I'm white immigrant from Northern Europe. I have an accent that I suppose only Mother could love. Majority (70-90%?) of contractors and service providers never return services and second calls to me., It means I have severe problems finding someone who will work on my house installing, fixing, repairing, even selling to me. Some shops owned by Whites refuse to sell to me or to provide services to me! They talk nice, but then nothing happens! I thought all these White "Americans"a re crazy! Yet recently I told a Black craftsman that I got fence installed and it was screwed up, so he asked me was the installer Mexican and I said yes, and he said, see what I mean? So is this a problem of Whites or Americans (USA) in general or perhaps a universal issue?
ReplyDeleteI am European and I also think America sucks. I have been there, grew up in an all-American entourage in my own country, since I was a Mormon. I do not respect the American culture, and I find anyone from there, be they White, Black or Asian, as arrogant and ignorant. It's not even a matter of race, it's just the culture.
ReplyDeleteAmerica indeed sucks and I can only tell you that the world does not respect you, and we are all sick of you.
We are waiting for China to beat you. Frankly, better China than you.
I completely agree with the author of this article.
And someone said that women in USA don't have it as bad as one might think. I beg to differ. USA is one of the most racist and misogynist countries out there. Feminism didn't change much. Maybe on the legislature level, because the society has gone more backwards regarding the women. Men still are sexist and disrespectful of women as ever before. And the violence against women over there is rampant!
That was incredibly racist and even more ignorant. It's racist when it targets an ethnic group you imbecile. Last time I checked, being the majority (by the way that's on the slow decline, bud.) doesn't change that. I could point out things I hate about blacks, whites, yellows, browns, etc etc.
ReplyDeleteAs for the guy that wrote this article. The first thing you do is point out certain groups of people that you don't like, who are also white. You know, people do that too with blacks and every other race under the sun: it's called being generalizing. You're using a certain group as your main example for an entire race. Then he goes on to talk about the times blacks were enslaved (heeeeere we go again). Buddy boy, let me tell you a secret: slavery isn't white made. Slavery was a very, very common trade "back in the day", whites didn't invent it, and they sure weren't the last to abolish it. There's still countries in the world where people are being enslaved. He continues to mention the encampment of Japanese Americans, which, so far, actually has the most validity as an argument in this entire article, because it was so recent, and it shows what America is indeed capable of under pressure. It is deplorable, oh yes, but don't think good ol' US of A is the only country that commits these kind of nasty things. There are some things the media doesn't cover because it's either been going on for a long time, or it's just "politically correct" to report on about other countries and their violation of human rights. Read up on that. Lastly, your story about canadians was pretty random, but sure. I've seen plenty of times where Americans, either in ignorance or in friendly jest make fun of french folks, I myself being french. I don't really care since anyone that is actually ignorant enough to start regurgitating that garbage at me has no real thought process behind his speech, and their opinion is therefore worthless to me.
moreover the femininity in Us is so cut off from the beginning and you can see on the street everyday.
ReplyDeleteThere is no beauty, its merely just a concept in Us.
everything is destroyed here - and becomes plain, dull, superficial,.......BORING.!!
and please don't tell me about Asia or Africa...
I have been there many times and there is such a respect and a warmess in the people that you can only dream about it in the States!
not to mentio the quality of services & goods.
you pay lots of money in a restaurant just for an average meal, and the lifestyle is WAY better in any Europeans Countries
white people also find solutions and medical cures that the whole world benfits from.
ReplyDeleteThat is true, and that is a plus in their column. But, politically, and on the issue of gun control, they are dead wrong.
DeleteThank you for your self-deprecating essay. The best way to make white americans suck less is interracial marriage...
ReplyDeleteThis had to be the least tasteful of your bloggs. America doesn't suck because of "white" people anymore than it suck because of "black, brown, or yellow" people. The #1 reason why America sucks is the people as a whole. There is to much ignorence in the air and its really starting to show that not one single American soul knows what the fuck to do next. America is like a living being... it started dieing as soon as it was born.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJapan, rich and crime statistics are relatively low. China, rich and crime is very low. South Korea right now providing awesome tech and science plus entertainment, Ivory Coast, vacation spot,Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Brazil is beautiful don't believe the movies,
ReplyDeleteVeitnam has Americans moving there every year,
Afghanistan young population is slated by economists to have a boom if interfered with,
CBS Top Ten countries to live include Singapore and India
and as for Africa try looking up Libya,Seychelles,Mauritius,Tunisia,Algeria,Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Cape Verde for some of the worlds most beautiful land and highest GDP's per capita proving that even after we took their oil diamond gold and silver the land so rich they had enough to learn to capitalize on it themselves.
God, I feel like it's 1965 again and I'm back at RCCC in Suffern NY again listening to some SDS rant. Please, grow up and realize that all races suck to some degree. For example, if a meteor were racing toward the earth that was the size of Bergen County, what society would you call upon to blow the thing up before it turned us into amoebae; the Hopi Indians or the white Americans, or the Chinese for that matter. God, I hate defending America, since if I could afford it, I'd move to Singapore tomorrow, but what's fair is fair. Yes Americans suck, but not just the "whites," everybody does. We're undereducated, decidedly violent and drug addlepated, and those are our good points. As far as how we got to this point, I think everyone's to blame by now. We keep electing people with Ivy League schools to run things, so what do you expect? Harvard and Yale have every advantage but a good dose of reality. Incidentally, if you should read this, answer me this: since you're so gung ho about every ethnic identity but your own, did you or anyone close in your family ever marry outside of your race? I'm betting that the answer is negative. You see, this is the thing about you so-called liberals is that you're not so liberal when it involves something personal. I've always been fairly conservative in my view of the world. That's not to say I'm necessarily conservative politically, because I generally back anyone who furthers my own financial agendas. But I guarantee that when it comes to getting along with people who are not like me, I would make you look like Adolph Hitler. My BEST friends and possibly my only friends have come from such diverse places as PR, Lesotho, Kerala India and Bogota Columbia and guess what? They were just as screwed up as the rest of us. You've got to get this notion out of your head that Caucasians are the only people who screw over other people. The fact is, if given the opportunity everyone screws over someone who the conquer, it's in the human DNA. I really think you need to grow up and see the world as it really is.
ReplyDeleteHard to treat you with even base amounts of respect or take you seriously at all since you can't even use English. You are not the kind of person anyone needs to be afraid of unless one if referring to the boogers you put in whiteys mcdonalds from your perch in the drive through window. If you didn't get hired somewhere, it isnt the fault of the white person who didnt hire you. It's yours for not being able to write and therefore probably not able to speak correctly. I feel bad for you.
ReplyDeletewell said
ReplyDeleteThe author forgot to mention, how uptight and puritanical they (white Americans) are in their views of sex and nudity.
ReplyDeleteEuropeans on the other hand, see sex as a natural body function and don't have as many hung ups about it or nudity.
Americans prefer to fantasize about it and is ironically the BIGGEST producer of porno in the world!.. yep they are stupid and don't have a naturally healthy view of sex.
Im white been having sex since i was 15 yr old ,got no hang up
DeleteIm part of the greatest race on the planet
So stereotyping a minority is wrong and rascist but to do it to the majority it's ok? Bullshit. And by the way I'd like to ask u how we ruined America, beavers the fact of the matter is; we built this country mind u the most acceptive, powerful, and free in the entire world. People like u I feel don't grasp the privelages and accomplishments of this nation and all her people. How about the great white people who established this nation breaking away from a tyrannical King and our men who brought us to such economical and military prowess, or those who protected and promoted freedom for all people, your cynical view of the American majority is ridiculous in its branding of entire majority and showing only the woes of the people that make up the majority and are in many key roles in the greatest nation on earth (and it's not "snobby" as u put it cause we've fought for it and it's nothing but the truth)
ReplyDeleteSo stereotyping a minority is wrong and rascist but to do it to the majority it's ok? Bullshit. And by the way I'd like to ask u how we ruined America, beavers the fact of the matter is; we built this country mind u the most acceptive, powerful, and free in the entire world. People like u I feel don't grasp the privelages and accomplishments of this nation and all her people. How about the great white people who established this nation breaking away from a tyrannical King and our men who brought us to such economical and military prowess, or those who protected and promoted freedom for all people, your cynical view of the American majority is ridiculous in its branding of entire majority and showing only the woes of the people that make up the majority and are in many key roles in the greatest nation on earth (and it's not "snobby" as u put it cause we've fought for it and it's nothing but the truth)
ReplyDeleteThis is not healthy. Hatred of self is not the answer. Hatred of the "other" is not the answer either. Those people you mentioned just happened to be white. I'm of African descent and I don't hate myself for being who I am or where I come from or what I look like. It's not for you to live in shame or fear, but to acknowledge the past and join the love mob for social change and equality for ALL the people. We all bleed red. We all eat; all came from our mother's womb. Race is nothing but an illusion that is keeping us all from being the family and friends that we could and should be to each other. I hope one day we will learn to look past that and work together.
ReplyDeleteStop Immigration and huge jarse, jump off a cliff.
ReplyDeleteI hope the FBI has you on a watch list. Assuming, of course, that you haven't already walked into a mall and tried to kill a few dozen of your fellow white men.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of truth to some of the words you speak. I just don't agree with the hate behind them and I am proud to be both white and an American. This amount of hate for anyone or anything will get you nowhere. I agree with others that if you are so ashamed to be a white American then you should move. It's very simple to do. However I think you will quickly find that many other countries in the world are not like America and you will most likely come running back as soon as you can.
White people are not the root of all evil. They are just people. They have families and jobs and live short, simple, fragile lives just like everyone else. Not all white people are racist who sit around thinking about skin color. Every race has it's ugly. That has always been true. Every country has or has had it's share of terrible people and no, they haven't all been white. Papa Doc, Pol Pot & Kim Jong il are just a few examples. People truly need to stop with the blame and work together to make America and the planet a better place to be.
"I hope the FBI has you on a watch list"? Very white of you.
DeleteNeandertals will always be evil people until they return to HELL!
ReplyDeleteI must add however that it's not just Americans who suck. All of humanity except maybe a tenth of 1% suck.
ReplyDeleteWaoh...All the hatred and all these insults in the comments section...that tells a lot.
ReplyDeleteI liked the blog, found it accurate and humorous.
I would add:
Americans mutilate the weenies of their newborns for no reason. The trend appeared at the end of 19th century following a anti-masturbation campaign. Thanks heaven they could not export that trend except among US admirers Korea and the Philippines.
Unreasonnable phobia of germs that helps to sell a lot of useless products. Germs are everywhere on your skin, your mouth, your insides, and most of the time they are your friends, if you nuke them everyday, troublesome germs will replace them.
But most of all, and what you guys do not realize, is that the US are imposing most of this as described in this blog on the rest on the world, especially economics. We citizens of the world have an obligation to use US dollars to buy oil, and anyone going counter too that gets killed (Kennedy, de Margerie and others) or overthrown. Watch what's going on with Venezuela (am already hearing your shouting) They are just trying to get the profits from oil getting shared among the whole population and preserve their independance. Which country wouldn't like that?
Who brought nukes to the Korean peninsula first? The US in 1958.
Who overthrew a rightfully elected government in Tehran in 1953? In Chili in1973, etc.
The list could go on and on. We were better off in Europe during the Cold War. Now Goldmann Sachs rules the world...
Americans are the least racist on the planet, non-Whites are coddled here.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThese comments are ugly.
ReplyDeleteHow can you say these things? Why does it matter to you what color someone’s skin is? We’re all human. We all bleed the same color. We’re all just a pile of molecules floating through space, indistinguishable from one another. We were all born by chance into the bodies we have, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. This might sound cliché, but why does our appearance matter so much when it is our behavior that defines us? I’ve grown up in America and all around the world, and most of the Americans I’ve met are amazing people. The same is true for people I’ve met in every other country I’ve visited or lived in.
Stop with the hate. You are who you are, and nobody is perfect. If everyone in the world were the same, nobody would be unique. Get over it, already.
Sure, our ancestors may have done horrible things. In our modern lives, we can’t take personal responsibility for it. On the other hand, some our ancestors have done incredible things, and likewise, we can’t take personal responsibility for that, either. History is HISTORY, and it isn’t fair to hold an entire people-group to the actions of their ancestors.
As a half-white, half-colored American, I may not agree with everything written in this post, but I can’t deny that some of isn’t true. The US is far from perfect, and white people around the world have their issues, but so does EVERY country and EVERY race in the world. It really is that simple.
Anyway, I’m sure this comment is going to provoke infuriation, but I’m literally just a kid, and someone needs to say it. I’m not trying to take a side, and I’m definitely not trying to hate on anyone.
"They went to another continent, rounded up hundreds of thousands of brown people living there, brought them over to America...". Your rant is ignorant, and this is an easy example. You apparently think what you see in fictional TV dramas is true. It's not. It was EXCEEDINGLY RARE for white people to capture African slaves. White people bought slaves from their "fellow Africans". slavery was illegal in Europe for hundreds of years before Portuguese explorers made the epic journey around Africa and arrived on the east side to discover...plantations run by Muslims using slave labor. Europeans bought slaves from Muslims or from warring tribes. Slavery wasn't a white thing. In fact, more African slaves ended up in Muslim countries than in white countries or colonies.
ReplyDeleteYou also heap scorm on white people for interning some Japanese-Americans. I wonder if you know that the Japanese killed far more people than the Nazis, and did so in ways so brutal that even a Nazi may have said, 'Whoa, that's a bit much'. The Japanese killed 25 MILLION people in WW2, most of them civilians. The Chinese killed up to 80 million of their fellow Chinese after WW2, in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. The Khmer rouge in Cambodia killed millions in the 1970s. In the early 1900s Muslim Turkey undertook the genocide of all remaining Christians, culminating in the Armenian Genocide but encompassing the genocide of Georgians and Assyrians. And speaking of Muslims, they killed up to 100 million people conquering SW Asia and trying to conquer India. They also launched near-constant invasions of Europe from 700 to the 1700s. Meanwhile, the Mongols killed a higher percent of the existing population than any other group. And far from being the peaceful innocents you were taught they were in grade swchool, the Natives of the Americas were brutal people, from the blood-soaked Empires built on murder and slavery and epic human sacrifice of the Mayans and Incas and Aztecs to the near-constant warring of the stuck-in-the-Stone Age tribes of North America, with the Plains Indians being probably THE most violent people in history. For the Plains Indians warfare was THE way of life. And warfare entailed gleefully torturing to death every male captured. It entailed gang-raping every female from 11 to 90 captured. The females captured were then brought back to the camp,where they were gang-raped again. If they survived they were then beaten and mutilated by the females of the tribe. They were then used as slaves. Unless the tribe was short on children any captured children, or children born to the women they gang-raped, were killed. The captured,gang-raped, mutilated, enslaved women were told to bury their murdered babies and children. so shove your imbecilic 'white people source of all evil' crap. You're a cancer.
good work
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How is bashing whites liberal? Its not
ReplyDeleteYou use Nancy Pelosi (A Catholic) as an example of a douchey white person, then say that Catholics are not white Americans. Which one is it?
ReplyDeleteThe Night of Long Knives sequel is coming soon! Bring it on! Are you ready?
ReplyDeleteNon-white culturs have been conquering,torturing, enslavingand and killing other Non-white peoples for thousands of years. How do you figure that? Be honest, if you can.
ReplyDeleteGood New Everyone !! I'm here to testify about Dr AIre I was suffering from Herpes Simplex Virus for about 4 years and I was cured by Dr Aire He sent me the medicine through DHL, I got the medicine and He instructed me on how I'm going to take the medicine, He asked me to drink for 14days which was 2weeks and I did according to his instructions, that was how I got Rid of Herpes Simplex Virus permanently, You can also contact him to get HIV/AIDS medicine by calling him or texting him on WhatsApp through this number +2347036740271 or Kindly Email him directly on; drairehome@gmail.com or https://mobile.facebook.com/drairehome48
ReplyDeleteI freely have
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I freely have
ReplyDeletepromise to the people keep telling good things about @doctor_drosa #healthcareadministration he can as well cure 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4. ALS 5. HEPATITIS B 6. DIABETES 7. HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS DISEASE (HPV) 8. ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris if you have any body that need help just give them @doctor_drosa contact on
+2348114596718.you can alsocontactdoctor on Gmail drosaherbalhome01@gmail.com
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ReplyDeleteOoh way to show them snitch on them. You surely are brave
ReplyDeleteInstead of debating
You just see red
Report to quora? Wait a minute wouldnt that violate the street code?
My name is Thomas White, from United states, i have been HIV positive and it is just like been through hell; well special thanks to God almighty for using Dr Twaha, the greatest spell caster in curing my HIV disease. I was diagnosed of this disease in the year 2004. Although I was taking my medications I was not myself. Until a few weeks ago. My friend came to me and told me that he saw many testimonies on how a spell caster cured people HIV disease. Although I never believe in spell, I said to myself "seeing is believing" I took his name and searched it on GOOGLE, I saw many testimonies myself. Quickly, I copied his email: drlregbeyen10000@gmail.com I emailed him, he gave me a form to fill which I did, then he called me and told me that he required some items in which he will use in casting a curing spell on me and he told me that it will cost me some money which i sent to him because I could not find the items. He bought the items and prepared a cure for me, then he have sent a parcel to me through courier delivery service. I paid the courier services, I got my parcel, it was a bottle of ointment as described by Dr,Twaha After taking the ointment he told me to do a HIV test and the result came out negative. Quickly I called him and told him what happened he congratulated me. I promised to tell the world about him. You can contact him with any problem via email: (drlregbeyen10000@gmail.com) or contant him on whatspp +2349038518881 thank you Dr Twaha
ReplyDeleteThis is the most retarded thing I have ever read. Deport yourself.